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Is the life codes numerology description always right?

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Minggu, 06 Februari 2011, 01.28 WIB Last Updated 2021-05-01T07:05:18Z
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Life Codes number 5 Spiritual Strength
Witty + humourous + captivating + go-getter + achiever + perfectionist + self doubting + temperamental + inconsistent
Those with the Life Code 5 are learning to achieve spiritual strength. This energy in terms of looking at the Tree of Life as a map is about facing all your fears. These are not little fears these are the largest fears of the personality in order to make the transition into your spiritual strength.
Everyone has spiritual strength when they engage with it. It is the settling of the personality into a calm state and the strongest elements of your character achieving its state of ‘perfection.’ But with a Life Code 5 you will find this energy follows you around nudging you constantly to extend your comfort zone and boundaries. 

Code 5s are inconsistent in your temperament but would be the last person to admit it. In your life you will have experienced strong highs and lows a chameleon variance of mood, those around you will have found it difficult at times to access where you are. A combination of great wit and humour when in the right frame of mind makes you a very attractive and fascinating energy.
You love your freedom and need that in order to explore your Life Code. Your energy needs to be able to move around quickly in order to have the opportunity to experience the things in life that push your boundaries. Even though you may think you crave stability and consistency you actually thrive on change.
Life lesson for Life Code 5: Transforming self doubt into self confidence.
Others at Code 5: Colin Farrell, Terri Hatcher, Sarah Jessica Parker

